Do Infants Who Die Go to Heaven?

My wife has a friend who recently lost a child, still-born I believe. In the aftermath, an article written by Dr. Albert Mohler (from 2009) about whether or not infants who die go to heaven, was posted on Facebook. Shelly read the original article from Dr. Mohler’s website to me the other night.
photo credit: abardwell via photopin cc

photo credit: abardwell via photopin cc

There are many places Dr. Mohler went off the rails, but the first is when he makes the statement about Ambrose: “His first error was believing in infant baptism, and thus in baptismal regeneration. Baptism does not save, and it is reserved for believers – not for infants.”


It’s Not All Just Symbolism

I don’t know if it’s getting older, getting married, or having children that has done it, but in the last 8 years I have come to understand many things from the Scriptures that I just took for granted, or wrote off as cliche before.

Verses like “…take every thought captive to Christ,” and “… children are a blessing,” and “be not conformed to this world.”

I also started to really examine my attitude towards ecclesiastical things, like worship and the sacraments.

I’ve come to some conclusions.
